“I have seen a big improvement in all aspects of learning.  Most of all, her reading and comprehension gains have been awesome.  It's like an awakening!”

Mandy O.
Parent of 1st grader

How It Works
K-12 and adult students work online for 30 minutes/day on self paced software that adds speed and complexity in tiny steps, building essential language and learning skills in 3-6 months.

To maintain high levels of online attendance, our certified educators monitor progress and keep in touch regularly. We motivate students with engaging software and online rewards. Parents receive weekly reports and have access to online support resources.

auditory processing in adults

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Learning, Rewired
Online software to improve reading and learning independence.

Target The Underlying Problem
Tutoring is like pumping air into a tire with a leak. It's a temporary fix at best. To help your child be a better learner, you need to address the underlying cognitive or processing difficulty.

Based on Principles of Neuroplasticity
The brain is like a muscle -- it responds to exercise. Our Fast ForWord program takes advantage of brain plasticity to help students of all ages.

Proven Software
Fast ForWord learning and reading software is research validated.  It is backed by 240 studies, and has helped over 1 million students.

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Gemm Learning provides Fast ForWord reading and learning software to children working at home in the US and Canada. For a free consult call 877-914-4366 or email info@gemmlearning.com

96% of our clients recommend us to others.  Call or request more info to find out why.

auditory processing disorder treatment
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